The SEMIS Coalition Blog

The place to connect, learn and share perspectives in place-based learning

Welcome to our SEMIS Coalition blog! A commons-based digital space for shared resources, images, and more. It’s a place for you to ask questions, interact with peers, and keep current with the latest Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition activities.

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Porter Chair Series: Guest Blogger Bill Boyle on Restorative Practices and EcoJustice Education

Recognizing Community, Recognizing Its Members By Bill Boyle October 27, 2015 One of the more promising antidotes to the alienated individualism of the “ethic of achievement” in schools lies in the use of Restorative Practices.  As I’ve written previously, “We tend to...

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Water & the Artist

Water & the Artist

ERIC ZENER: Claude Monet does many different paintings of water flowers Fredrick Remington, Fight for the Waterhole

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“The Short Bus” Book Club

Background: The “ecojustice with/in disability studies” affinity group grew out of shared interests at the SEMIS summer institute. The group looks at the intersection and effect of attitudes towards human animals, nonhuman animals, and plants. The premise is that...

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Quote Harvest: David Sobel

“Exploration of the natural world begins in early childhood, flourishes in middle childhood, and continues in adolescence as a pleasure and a source of strength for social action.” - David Sobel How do you adapt your place-based education to nourish the developmental...

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