SEMIS Badges are designed to help SEMIS Coalition members create a curriculum for their own learning that is both purposeful and powerful. We want the process of earning badges to be fun, engaging and helpful for your growth as a place-based and ecojustice educator.
In order to earn each badge, members can select and complete a number of learning modules and/or workshops from the badge’s menu. These learning modules have been assessed for content and quality, curated by the SEMIS leadership team and will be updated to reflect new themes and initiatives.
Badge Completion Checklist:
✅ Participate in SEMIS Annual Learning Series & 1 related workshop session
✅ Complete learning modules from badge’s menu totaling 10 points
✅ Complete a reflection for each module
✅ Participate in one 60 minute Badge Reflection Circle (optional, offered quarterly)
After completing the above checklist, complete this Completion Application and you will receive an electronic certificate and a beautiful button for the completed badge. Collect them all!
We have created this badge system as a Coalition that honors and relies on the strength of its members. Please contribute your knowledge and wisdom by suggesting ways to improve the badges on this form as well as recommend your own readings, videos and activities that are related to the badge themes we can include in the menu.
The SEMIS Coaching team is here to assist you in making learning choices and to answer any questions. Please contact either Sarah Halson ( or Lisa Voelker ( for more information and questions.

Watershed Education Badge – Beaver
Watershed education includes a basic understanding of watershed science as well as a knowledge of stormwater issues and how they connect to environmental problems.

Place-based Education 101 Badge – Box Turtle
Start with the basic principles of place-based education including connection to place, community partnership, youth voice and choice, and informed civic action.

Community Mapping Badge – Rock Dove
Mapping our communities for student inquiries can help students understand the interconnections, interplay, and aspects of our complex places. Within mapping, there are a variety of processes and ways it can be applied.
Coming soon

History of Place Badge – Sturgeon
Creating a deep connection to our places is core to practicing place-based education. Historical understanding is critical to creating positive changes in one’s community. We are the past, all of us. Knowing what this means helps us inquire about how to lead for the current and for the future.
Coming soon

Civic Engagement Badge – Honey Bee
Strong place-based education culminates with opportunities for civic engagement and action-taking by students. Civic engagement looks different depending on the efforts and issues being addressed, as well as the specific community.
Coming soon

Climate Change Resilience Badge – Mudpuppy
Coming soon