Annual Community Forum
The SEMIS Coalition has built transformative partnerships among teachers, students, local organizations, and community members since 2008. The strength of the SEMIS Community Forum is its focus on student voices and student led sessions. The Forum provides students and educators with the opportunity to share their work in a conference setting, with students in the position of educators. Sessions led by youth provide leadership and presenting opportunities for students, as well as learning between SEMIS Coalition member schools, families and communities. The SEMIS Coalition is excited to welcome schools and communities from across southeast Michigan for this inspiring event!
Place-Based Education integrates student learning into the community, solving real problems while aligning projects with standards across the curriculum. We are looking forward to celebrating this important student work through hybrid events including dialogues with youth, a virtual Student Gallery Exploration, and an in-person gathering at Eastern Michigan University.

Thank you for supporting
STEM literacy!
The 2024 SEMIS Coalition Community Forum was made
possible in part by our Sponsors:
Ann Arbor SPARK East Innovation Center

Want to learn more about becoming a sponsor? Email our Director Anna Balzer at