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Our Fall PD on September 25th, 2015 was a great kick-off to the SEMIS Coalition 2015-16 project year! We had many new community partners and faculty from EMU, and many familiar faces we are happy to see return! It was wonderful to see everyone who was able to attend. Thank you!

Here you will find the materials from our day. We started with an introduction to the SEMIS Planning team and an overview of the work we do and help to support. Mid-day we engaged in a photo-based activity to more deeply develop our understanding of Place-based Education principles. The afternoon was for planning, reconnecting, and doing small group ‘Tool Time’ breakout sessions.

Overall, the day was perfect! It was calm, focused, and hands-on. And, of course, there was delicious food-my personal favorite!

PPT_Fall_Sept 25 PD 2015    Overview of the missions of SEMIS Coalition, Roles , Information on GLSI Hubs, and more!

Unit Plan Template (1) Here is a general template for unit planning with focuses areas added to address PBE. Ethan modified this from other templates. Please feel free to use and modify.

PBE Criteria Cards Activity Instructions From our photo activity.

criteria for powerful pbe cards activity text (1) PBE Criteria listed out for our photo/card activity.

Designing meaningful PBE – SEMIS 9-25 PD – no assess slides Rebecca Nielsen created and modified this presentation for a ‘Tool Time’ breakout session-very good overview of planning for doing PBE.

Socratic Question Taxonomy_Questions that Deepen Discussion This was used during our ‘Tool Time’ breakout session on deepening the classroom discussion & debate-packed with in-depth lines of questioning to develop sophistication in classroom discussions.

Please contact us with any questions or for other documents from the day!

Lisa Voelker
Assistant Director, SEMIS Coalition