by Lisa Voelker | Oct 27, 2015 | EcoJustice, Place-Based Education, Porter Chair Series, Social & Emotional Learning, Topics
Recognizing Community, Recognizing Its Members By Bill Boyle October 27, 2015 One of the more promising antidotes to the alienated individualism of the “ethic of achievement” in schools lies in the use of Restorative Practices. As I’ve written previously, “We tend to...
by Lisa Voelker | Oct 14, 2015 | Place-Based Education, Professional Development Materials
Our Fall PD on September 25th, 2015 was a great kick-off to the SEMIS Coalition 2015-16 project year! We had many new community partners and faculty from EMU, and many familiar faces we are happy to see return! It was wonderful to see everyone who was...
by SEMIS Coalition | Apr 20, 2015 | EcoJustice, Leadership Development, Uncategorized
In honor of Earth Day, brush up on the EcoJustice basics through the following video: In this video, Rebecca Martusewicz defines how the the Ecojustice Education masters program emerged from “a crisis in the way we think about the way we are in relationship to each...
by SEMIS Coalition | Mar 9, 2015 | Environmental Impact, Inquiry-Based Learning, STEM, Uncategorized, Water Quality / Studies
How do you talk about the larger impacts of the Great Lakes watershed on the health and wellbeing of our region? How do you tell the big picture of this bioregion and your place within it? This feature length video goes into detail about the long-term impacts of...
by SEMIS Coalition | Feb 23, 2015 | Common Core, Literacy, STEM, Upper Elementary, Water Quality / Studies
In our continuing investigation into EcoJustice Literacy, we’re asking teachers and students to reflect on the following questions about the classic story, Paddle-To-The-Sea: How could you discuss the journey from upstream to downstream when...
by SEMIS Coalition | Feb 12, 2015 | Place-Based Education, Social & Emotional Learning, STEM, Student Voice
How do you use learning media to tell stories of place? This month, we’re featuring three powerful place-based educators’ approaches to using technology to tell their stories. Laura DePalma from the James and Grace Lee Boggs School, Makena Riley, from...
by SEMIS Coalition | Jan 16, 2015 | Community Stewardship, Ecosystems / Biodiversity, Environmental Impact, Food Systems, Gardens, Uncategorized
We invite the participants in the Permaculture Design Certification, which includes several SEMIS members, to start a discussion about how permaculture has opened up new insights into creative design with nature, and empowered them to take action in their...
by SEMIS Coalition | Dec 15, 2014 | Events, Place-Based Education
Teachers and partners joined together for another great statewide conference this November. The theme of presentations ranged from civic engagement and community partnership best practices, to student voice and STEAM connections. Here are highlights from SEMIS...
by SEMIS Coalition | Dec 15, 2014 | EcoJustice, Place-Based Education
The SEMIS Coalition and others around the country are engaging in new and creative ways to make learning about community issues relevant and impactful to youth. Much of place-based education and the EcoJustice framework that we use in the SEMIS Coalition gets to just...
by SEMIS Coalition | Dec 15, 2014 | Place-Based Education
It is always great to see SEMIS members celebrated in the media, and the SEMIS Coalition has received a lot of it in the past month. These articles feature Neinas Elementary and Hope of Detroit, as well as the larger Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative. Detroit kids...
by SEMIS Coalition | Dec 15, 2014 | Civic Action / Leadership, Community History, Early Childhood, EcoJustice, Ecosystems / Biodiversity, Environmental Impact, Food Security, Food Systems, Gardens, High School, Inquiry-Based Learning, Literacy, Lower Elementary, Middle Grades, Place-Based Education, Social & Emotional Learning, Upper Elementary, Water Quality / Studies
Have you used these books? Share how! At the Summer Institute, teachers received several books to support EcoJustice literacy and investigating the commons. These books were chosen for their support of a few different concepts: integrating multiple perspectives into...