Quote Harvest: Rachel Carson

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” – Rachel Carson, environmental activist and author How...

Tools for Teachers Input!

What resources or ideas do you have for our new Tools for Teachers page?  Please use the comments section of the blog to post your best ideas and links around the following topics: High Quality Environmental Content Civic Engagement Processes Content Standards...

Telling Our Story Through History

The focus of the January 30th professional development day will delve deeper into the year-long investigation of historical perspective and the way we can use this narrative to tell the story of place in new and compelling ways.  The History Affinity Group began this...

SEMIS Coalition in the News!

It is always great to see SEMIS members celebrated in the media, and the SEMIS Coalition has received a lot of it in the past month.  These articles feature Neinas Elementary and Hope of Detroit, as well as the larger Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative. Detroit kids...

EcoJustice Book List Review

Have you used these books? Share how! At the Summer Institute, teachers received several books to support EcoJustice literacy and investigating the commons.  These books were chosen for their support of a few different concepts: integrating multiple perspectives into...