Place-based Education can be a complex process to dive into! Check out these videos to hear stories of schools, classrooms, students, and teachers in Southeast Michigan who are each engaging in PBE. The Spotlight on Stewards Project is a collaborative pilot program between the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition and Detroit Public Television’s Great Lakes Bureau that produced video and facilitated connected, engaged communities within Michigan working toward the common goal of protecting and inspiring change for the health of Great Lakes through restoration and preservation. These 3-5 minute video segments work to develop excitement around civic engagement, and can be used as a learning tool (for teachers, classrooms, schools, students). Enjoy the stories! All Aboard! Place-based Education in a Different Kind of Classroom Planting the Seeds of Place-based Education for Future Generations Spotlight on Stewards Curriculum –ideas for how to use these videos in your classroom! Place-based Education with Eastern Michigan University Pre-Service Teacher Education Students & Detroit Institute of Technology at Cody High School Learn more about future teachers learning through PBE! See more schools, classes, students and teachers in action by checking out our SEMIS Coalition Youtube Channel PBE Video List!