Welcome to the SEMIS Coalition Community Forum Student Gallery 2023!

Please enjoy this collection of student stories and projects from SEMIS Coalition member students and schools! This Student Gallery is a public space where young people develop their voices as community leaders, and where you get a glimpse of Place-Based Education that is happening across our region. Keep reading below!

You can view gallery pieces by ‘browsing the tags’ below. Search by teacher, theme, grade, or any other tag that interests you. Thank you for stopping by! The gallery is a grid of small previews—click on any of them to travel to the page where the individual submission lives.

This year’s gallery was made possible in part by our inaugural Rock Dove Sponsor, Ann Arbor SPARK East Innovation Center. Thank you to the Ann Arbor SPARK East Innovation Center team for supporting STEM literacy!

We are proud of everything that students and their teachers and partners have posted and hope that you take the time to visit each exhibition. 

The youth who submit projects have a lot to teach us. We thank them for helping us to populate the SEMIS Gallery, and for their willingness and courage to share their insights. A Note on Commenting: You can comment on any submission, but will need to enter an email. This email will not show in your comment. All comments, once submitted, will be ‘waiting for approval’ and then, once approved, will post. Refresh your page to see your comment. 

If you have any questions about this space, please contact us at gallery@semiscoalition.org 

 Gallery designed by ClairvoyAgency. You can learn more about this digital media agency here: clairvoyagency.com