Leaders in environmental education and community-based learning

Bios for staff are being updated. Please check back this week!

A photo of a person wearing a red shirt in front of a field in the background. She's wearing a red shirt and is smiling


Anna Balzer

Serves as the new Director of the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS). In this role she will support the SEMIS team and members to co-create, shape, and implement a collaborative vision for place-based, eco-justice education in the region. Anna will also establish, steward, and deepen connections across the region and throughout a national place-based education ecosystem and help amplify the stories and impact of and bring additional resources to our regional work.


A portrait photograph of SEMIS assistant director Lisa Voelker. She is smiling, holding her hands, and wearing a black top with a green scarf. There is art displayed on the wall behind her.

Director of Programming

Lisa Voelker

Lisa’s responsibilities include place-based education curriculum design and facilitation for adult professional development, K-12 teacher curriculum design support and field experience coordination, working with the director to coordinate and support in the supervision of daily operations, and stewarding partnerships with community organizations and members. Email Lisa

Portrait style photo of SEMIS program associate Nigora Erkaeva in blue shirt and smiling.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Nigora Erkaeva

Nigora provides assistance in coordination of the daily functions of the organization, works with teachers to incorporate land-based and indigenous cultures curriculum, support on the planning and facilitation of professional development, budgeting, building local and international research community, communications, leads ecojustice sessions, and engages in research to share the impact of our work. Email Nigora

Portrait style photo of SEMIS education specialist Sarah Halson wearing glasses and smiling at the camera with a shoreline behind her.

Place-Based Education Specialist

Sarah Halson

Sarah supports teachers in their PBE curriculum planning, specializing in outdoor learning. Sarah also supports planning and facilitation of professional development, provides expertise in guiding new initiatives, classroom content, school inquiry projects, teacher tools and multimedia resources and connecting with our community partners. Email Sarah

Portrait style photo of SEMIS Program associate Willie King III wearing a dark green sweatshirt and looking off into the distance.

Place-Based Education Consultant & Youth Voice Specialist

Willie King III

Willie serves as a Place-Based Education Consultant & Youth Voice Specialist for the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition. In his role, Willie’s responsibilities consist of developing new place-based initiatives for youth activism and civic engagement, developing arts infused PBE initiatives, and cultivating stewardship and art based community partnerships. He also supports planning and facilitation of professional development and provides expertise in classroom content. Email Willie

Portrait style photo of Laura Florence SEMIS project lead for climate change resilience and great lakes literacy initiatives. Laura is wearing a black shirt and smiling.

Place-Based Education Specialist

Laura Florence

Laura focuses on Great Lakes and STEM education and leads our Climate Change Resilience initiative. In this role she provides expertise in guiding us on classroom content, school inquiry projects, teacher tools and multimedia resources, and connecting with our partners. Her responsibilities include supporting SEMIS teachers in expanding their Great Lakes literacy and connecting them to community partners with expertise in Great Lakes science and education.

Ecojustice Education Consultant

Paula Sizemore

A Master Place-Based Educator with 30 years combined classroom, administrative and coaching experiences, Paula’s (pronouns: She/her/hers) role with SEMIS Coalition Paula provides instructional design support, project design, and partnership cultivation, stewardship and collaboration and field investigation coordination. Paula also helps to lead our facilitation during our annual professional learnings series. 

Resident Historian on Special Projects

Matt Siegfried

Matt designs and facilitates adult professional development which focuses on social landscape histories, supports teachers in upper elementary through high school to design curriculum, and do historical research. Email Matt

EMU professor of curriculum, Dr, Ethan Lowenstein is wearing a purple button up and standing while speaking to a youth group from Cody Highschool. They are seated in a circle, engaging.

Senior Advisor on Special Projects

Dr. Ethan Lowenstein, Eastern Michigan University COE, Professor Teacher Education

Dr. Ethan Lowenstein is a faculty member in the Department of Teacher Education at EMU and recently cycled out of the SEMIS Coalition director position after serving as director for 13 years. As a senior advisor, Ethan will remain as a co-Principal Investigator on current grant-funded projects, helping to ensure a smooth director leadership transition. Ethan is in love with the art of place-based teaching and learning and is excited to devote the next phase of his career to mastering the art of teaching (as much as anyone can!), helping to further develop EMU’s undergraduate place-based teacher preparation program, sharing his knowledge for how to facilitate group processes and systems change, and documenting what he has learned over the years so that others may gain from his experience. Email Ethan


A coalition's primary strength is in its members

Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition is a regional hub of the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative.

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